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Biodiesel is a renewable fuel manufactured from vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled restaurant grease. Biodiesel can be used for heating and in vehicles/machinery.


According to the EPA, biodiesel reduces greenhouse gas emissions by at least 57 percent and up to 86 percent when compared to petroleum diesel – making it one of the most practical and cost-effective ways to immediately address climate change. It also has lower emissions and better lubricity than petroleum diesel. 


Image by engin akyurt

Biodiesel Webinar 

Maine Clean Communities is happy to partner with Maine Standard Biofuels to discuss the basics of renewable biofuels, how biodiesel can be a bridge fuel where heavy-duty electrification options aren’t available and highlight the success stories of Maine fleets who are already utilizing biodiesel to reduce their carbon footprint.


Hear from MaineDOT and Casco Bay Lines about their experience with biodiesel adoption in their fleets.


Watch Here (Passcode: xH#wQ57c)

Biodiesel in Maine 


Maine Standard Biofuels has been producing biodiesel from use cooking oil collected in New England  since 2006. They produce Biodiesel as well as a high-performance heating fuel in Portland. 


Diesel vehicles built before 2007 can use pure biodiesel without any modifications. And home heating oil systems can use greener, cleaner Bio20 heating oil with no conversion or modifications. 


Learn more here!

Read the 2022 Green Leader Impact Report

Read about Maine biofuel success stories.

Learn More About Biodiesel Bucket Trucks

Maine Clean Communities
Hosted by
Greater Portland Council of Governments since 1997
970 Baxter Blvd, Portland, ME 04103

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